Qingyuan Jihua indoor Playground
Indoor Playground in Guangdong, China

Indoor Playground in Guangdong, China

The indoor amusement park designed by Wanyang Group is developed and designed based on the age characteristics of children. Children can invite friends to play games together, increase their social and communication skills, and provide more fun for them. Through scientific three-dimensional combination, a new generation of children's activity center integrating amusement, sports, puzzle, and fitness is formed, placing children in a thrilling, stimulating, and safe and reassuring amusement environment.

Most of the operations of indoor playground are placed in large shopping malls and supermarkets, because shopping malls and supermarkets themselves are chosen in a relatively good crowd gathering place. A single equipment cannot attract children's attention for a long time, so we should make a comprehensive plan according to the site and its surrounding environment when designing.